According to FBI data, over 3,000 break-ins happen in the US every day with an average loss of $2,799. This goes to show that home and property security must be taken seriously at all times. In a previous article, we rounded up tips to secure your home and deter theft and burglary. Now, here’s another excellent way to protect your home:
keep out decor.
A video surveillance system or a closed-circuit television may be too expensive to readily use on your property. Fencing in your area for security and privacy may not be an option for you too. Thankfully, keep-out decors may do the trick.
Keep out signs are affordable and convenient to use. More importantly, they might just give intruders second thoughts about trespassing.
Hanging a No Trespassing, Private Property Keep Out, or Restricted Area sign may help deter intruders. These decors are also convenient and easy to use. They might give intruders second thoughts and might even change their mind.
Why Use Keep Out Decor

There is no one-size-fits-all legal standard as far as keep out decors, like No Trespassing, Private Property Keep Out, or Restricted Area Authorized Persons Only, are concerned. In some states, these signs may help prosecute intruders and help home or property owners mitigate liabilities. Other states have very specific requirements about posting such signs. The best thing to do is to check the trespassing laws of your state either by checking your state’s website or by consulting a lawyer.
In general, notwithstanding the size of your property, let the public know it is off-limits unless otherwise expressed. Signages can prevent vandalism, hunting, and fishing on your property. It can also protect your privacy. In short, it helps you avoid many of the stress associated with trespassing, so better safe than sorry.
Where to Use keep Out Decor
Where you post keep out signs are just as important as the signs. Post signages where people can see them. Display them in boundary areas, points of entry, and where people or vehicles may enter your property to make shortcuts.
If you live in an area where people actively hunt or fish, know your local laws regarding hunting or fishing, post private property signs to inform hunters your property is a private one, and if possible, build a fence around your area.
How to Care for Your Keep Out Signs
How effectively you display signages might have legal implications depending on local laws. As a preventive measure, display signages in conspicuous places and ensure they are well-maintained. Fade signs that are hard to read, torn signs, and those that have fallen off to the ground offer no legal protection.
Keep the following in mind when posting signs:
- Post signs where people can easily see them.
- Know your property boundaries. Display signs around your property, not just in front of your main point of entry.
- Fasten your signs properly to ensure they don’t get blown by strong wind or snagged by unsuspecting kids.
- Check your keep out signs regularly and replace torn or faded ones.
- Be informed about the local trespassing laws.